Choosing what will later become a good name for your blog or website can be a difficult task—in fact, most people get this wrong. There isn’t really any domain rules which must be followed for a purchase to go through. You can buy whatever domain name you want provided it does not belong to anyone else.
So you can decide to even buy the domain name www.yn7hgnhrepfb75qnn.com for you blog or website. It’s entirely an option but would you buy such a domain?
I doubt any reasonable person would ever opt for such a domain for the obvious reason—which is, how the hell are you going to remember it, let alone your potential visitors, readers or customers?
So this bring us to one of the key points you must consider when looking to buy a domain name.
1. The Name Must Be Easy to Spell, Easy to Remember and If Possible Short
You are not the only one going to be visiting your blog or website—in fact you are setting up the website or blog for others; people you do not really know and as such cannot know what they can spell and remember. But objectively, we can always figure out words which should be easy to remember or spell, even by the most dumb person in the room.
This is how you have to think; which name is easy to spell or would be easy to be remembered—preferably short? Look at domain names like Facebook.Com, BBC.Com, Yahoo.Com, YouTube.Com, TopVincent.Com and several others out there. Take cue from how easy they are to spell and the fact that, you can lock it in your mind if you actually want to.
Someone once asked me this; what is a good domain name. And my answer was, that name which is catchy, short and easy to remember.
Avoid Hyphens
Finding the hyphen key on your laptop can be difficult, even worst when you are using a tablet or a smart phone. So why would you want to make the life of your readers or potential customers hell by opting for a domain with such a key; sometimes people even have two hyphens in their domain names.
It’s seriously a no go area. I don’t really know where people get this idea of putting hyphens in-between words for a domain name from. Domain names ought to be simple. Iwant.com can be made worse by going for i-want.com. And I have had clients who suggested names like; www.inspirational-football-match-club.com.
No matter what name you are looking to use for a domain, avoid hyphens. It just doesn’t cut.
Leave Behind Those Local Names or Words If Possible
In order to keep a domain name stuck in the heads of people, you should attempt to use everyday words or combine every day words. You wouldn’t ever forget FaceBook.Com because it has become popular, it became popular also due to the name—pretty easy and picked from common words.
Consider domain names like Hate.Com as against Odium.Com, Perfect.Com as against Faultless.Com and Drink.Com as against Slurp.Com. Though the corresponding domains are pretty short too, the words are uncommon, which makes them somewhat difficult to spell, difficult to remember and difficult to stay in your mind.
Just run away from those words you have to check the dictionary to find the meanings and remember once again, your website or blog is for some other people and not you. So we are talking about words which are possibly common to a lot of people and not to your geek or expert self alone.
The Domain Must Match the Topic/Niche Myth
There is this hovering misconception that for your blog or website to be successful, the name of your domain must match the topic area, niche or whatever you intend for the website/blog to be about. This is not true so don’t buy into it.
Of course it will be great if your domain name can give people an idea as to what they should expect when they visit your blog or website but that is not in anyway connected to success.
What does Yahoo.Com really mean?
If you first see it written somewhere without any prior knowledge of the services out there, would you ever consider it as what we use the website for? JohnChow.Com is a popular and successful ‘make money online’ blog but to frank, though that is the real name of the blogger, that name reminds me of a Chinese take away joint I know in London. Obviously, he doesn’t sell no special chow mein—it’s just his name which happens to be common and catchy.
So don’t get worked out about matching your domain name to your blog or website niche. Go for the name which can be easily remembered, spelt and common to all—especially those you indeed to target.
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