The 2 Practical Ways To Make REAL Money From Your Blog

2 min


Are you one of the many bloggers who just slam Google Adsense or other advertising codes on their blogs and waiting to make big or real money? That is pure joke since it hardly happens.

Apart from the fact that it is absurd to put all your eggs in one basket, why make a fraction of income from your blog by using advertising networks such as Adsense, Adbrite, Addynamo and others when you can make REAL money alongside these?

Let’s look at the 2 practical ways you can make REAL MONEY with your blog apart from using the usual Adsense and popular advertising networks.

1. Sell Your Own Services

Ask yourself this; what am I good at? It will amaze you the number people who are ready to buy your services if only you can identify what you are good at and package it for sale.

What services am I talking about? I mean what you can offer to people, your individual readers and companies.

If you look at this blog, I offer several services. These are things I know how to do. They are skills I have acquired over a period of time. 

What services am I currently selling? (Have you seen the Hire Me)

  • I offer comprehensive blog consulting services
  • Web Development/Designing
  • Publicity/PR
  • Article Writing/Blogging
  • Editing/Copy-Editing
  • Copy writing
  • Researching
  • Blog Step-up and Optimization
  • Monetizing  your blog or online business
  • Branding and Authority
  • Content creating
  • Advertisement/Promotion
  • Blog Improvement

2. Sell Your Own Products

Everyone is into affiliate marketing whereby we sell products made by others for commissions. That is great but imagines you were not paid any commission but you rather take all the money from the sales of a product…

This seems to be where you can get the big bucks and turn your blog around. All you have to do is, create a great product and sell.

What product am I talking about?

The easy and cost effective product is writing an Ebook to sell to your readers and visitors. What topic are you writing about? Which topic or area are you very knowledgable about? What effective and valuable tips can you give out to people?

Why dont’t you put together your best ideas, reports and tips in an ebook and sell it out to your readers?

Trust me, if it is quality and valuable, it will sell.

It may take you weeks and months of sleepless nights to put an ebook together, but when it is done. The earnings will not stop even if you are selling…

What are you waiting for? Turn your blog around and make REAL MONEY from it.

Other Resources 

If you are interested in making money from Affiliate marketing which is another means by which you can generate income from your blog, CLICK HERE.

If you are into Google Adsense and wants some tips on how to increase your income, CLICK HERE.

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Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri, Esq
I am a Hedonist, Contrarian, Traveller, Lawyer, Atheist, Thinker, Writer, Minimalist & a Professional Truth Sayer.

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