Make Easy Money Online, Start Today. How I Make Over $2000 Online From My Less Than 2 years Old Blog As A Student

7 min


Making money online sounds like a scam to many. I am not amazed why most people do not believe that indeed you can make substantial and genuine money online by spending less to cultivate this money.

So many people and companies are online selling all sorts of kits with the tagline “Making Quick Money Online”. Most of these kits are scams and do not really bring you to the real world of making money online. They rather take your little money by selling their unproductive kits to you.

The above does not however mean you cannot make easy money online. I am writing this to help all the smart people dig into the world of making money online as I am currently doing.

The amazing part of my making money online tool is that, it does not need you to spend any money. You are not spending any money so if you are smart enough, you will start your own online “business” to cash in some money. Why not try? After all it is free and you have nothing to lose.

I do not sell any money making online kit; all I am bringing to you is taking you through the steps which I took to be making over $2000 a month from my blog as a student. Yeah, you heard me right, over $2000 a month.(As at 23, Sept,2010)

It may seem huge to some people and to others it is a peanut. No matter what it seems to you, the fact of the matter is, I am making this online, sitting in the comfort of my bedroom and cashing in that sum each month.

How Am I Making Money Online

As I stated in my introduction, I do not sell any money making kit online. I make my online money from my blog. Those who know me will be aware that I am a celebrity blogger and own the blogs www.GhanacClebrities.Com as well as www.ScrewLife.Com

Why do you think I spend time writing all those articles, chasing the various celebrity interviews, bringing you the latest celebrity news, providing you with all the motivational and personal development messages?

Apart from my passion for writing, bashing celebrities and the desire to inform and educate, the money behind my work heavily drives me. After all, the reward of labour is salary and I should be paid for all my writings. Getting paid to do what I enjoy is great. It is my hobby to write and I get paid to write. Doesn’t it sound wow!

Now, let’s get to serious business. All you need in place to start making money online is a blog. I started with a blog and I am still with a blog. So you see, I am not teaching you something I am not doing. This is what I do. I enjoy doing it and the money is good to keep me going.

The greatest part of this is I spend less than 3 hours a day on my blog so basically; I am working 3 hours a day and making $2000 a month out of that. I started my blog which is making me this huge money with less than $20.

You do not need $20 to start a blog today. I do not want you to spend anything.

All you need is some bit of smartness and with my constant updates on making money online which I will be concentrating on most from now, you will start hitting some money too.

What Is A Blog At All


Darren a blogger who makes over $20000 online from defines, a blog as “a type of website that is usually arranged in chronological order from the most recent ‘post’ (or entry) at the top of the main page to the older entries towards the bottom”


Blogs are usually (not always) written by one person and it is regularly updated. A blog can be about anything. Most blogs are the thoughts of their owners.

So you can have a blog about anything you have the passion to write about. However, you are writing not just for yourself but to get readers so it is always advisable to have a blog on subjects that people are interested in and would want to read about.

An example of a blog is ScrewLife.Com (This my blog on personal development and human success issues & making money online). Another example of a blog is my celebrity blog-GhanaCelebritites.Com which centres on Ghanaian celebrity news, interviews, photos, gossips, articles, reviews and other entertainment news.

Common Features Of Blogs

Though most blogs are niche based, that is their writers write on not all subjects but have chosen a particular area of passion or interest to only write along those areas, other bloggers write about literally everything on their blogs (from their cats to major social issues).

My celebrity blog ( GhanaCelebrities.Com) can be termed as a celebrity niche blog (single niche blog) whiles ScrewLife.Com looks at more than one area of interest hence a “multi niche blog”.

A common feature of a blog is having a “Comment Functionability”. Almost all blogs allow readers to leave comments on write-ups, a means to gear up interaction and build up effective readership.

Why Do You Need To Know About Blog Niche


I am telling you about niche blogs and non niche blogs to help you decide on what you will like to pick. As a blogger, you need to define your interest and what you will be writing about on your blog.

Picking a niche is very important and the success of your blog depends mostly on this. Remember, the more successful your blog is, the more money you will be making.

I know of successful blogs like JohnChow.Com which makes the owner about $40,000 each month.  You can make it too since it is not rocket science. I am moving up there each day, so join the train and let us all go.

How To Start A Blog For Free Today

I know you are thinking about where the money will be coming from when you start a blog. Smart people have patience and like to follow instructions. It is not because they are dumb but it is because they understand the important of step by step approach in life.

Let us finish with having the platform (Blog) before we rush to making the easy monthly money.

Remember I told you, I will help you not to spend anything to create a blog but you will still make money from it. Now this is where it gets a bit difficult, hence smart people can survive.

If you have read this all the way to this stage, then you are smart and will surely survive. Only smart people will still be with me up to this stage. I know if you were not smart, you would have closed this page by now.

Since we are looking at starting a blog free of charge and making money out of it, we will be looking at free blogging platforms.

There are several free platforms where you can start your own blog. When you start a blog with one of these free hosting or blogging platform, you do not get your own domain name. You get something like It is free and for beginners like you, I advise you go for this.

To start your free blog now in other to start making some money online, go to and get your blog going. Just take not of this link, finish reading the information below since you will need it so no need to rush to the link.

Now You Have The Blog, How Do You Make The Cash

I will concentrate on what most bloggers use to generate cash online though this is not the only way you can generate revenue from your blog. I will be writing on the other ways of generating revenue from your blog as time goes on. We have just started remember, so lets take it bit by bit.

Google Adsense: Placing adverts on your blog provided by google is  the easiest and simplest way of making money from your blog. It is as simple as ABCD. All you need to do is go to google adsense website, fill in a simple form and send it over to google to do the rest of the work for you.

Google will then go and have a look at your blog and see if it meets their advertisement requirements. Do not panic because Google’s requirement is easy to meet. All you need to do is have some post (articles on your blog) and you are more than likely to have your blog approved. If they do not approve it, they will tell you why and you will correct it and re-apply.

Immediately your blog is approved by google, you will receive an email telling you so.  With your username and password which you would have created when you filled out the google adsense form, you will have to log into your google account, set up your adverts and place the adverts (codes) on your blogs.

Are you a little bit confused about setting up the Google account and placing the google codes (advert) on your blog to generate money?. Do not worry; check out the video links I will provide at the end of this post to step by step take you through this process

You Have Your Blog Up & Google Adsense (Advert Placement), What Is Next?

From here, all you will have to do is keep updating your blog with interesting stuff, stuffs your readers will love and work on getting more people to come and read your blog.

You need more people because Google will pay you base on the traffic ( how many people come there). Even though other factors count, at this stage all you need to worry about is getting people. The more traffic you have, the more money you can cash in from Google.

At the end of each month, depending on how much your blog has been able to make, Google will send you the money via the payment method you picked whiles signing up to them. It can go straight into your bank account if you chose that payment method.

Is that not a stress free way of making money online? I am doing it and you can also do it. If you have any question or need help with anything regarding setting up a blog, leave it in the comment box or email me by the contact page and I will surely hit up on you.

I have tried to simplify this for beginners so if you have any highly technical or advanced blog or online money making question, feel free to leave it in the comment section for me to answer you.

Below are the step by step video tutorials on setting up Google adsense to make money from your blog.

These are video links to show you how to start a blog

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Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri, Esq
I am a Hedonist, Contrarian, Traveller, Lawyer, Atheist, Thinker, Writer, Minimalist & a Professional Truth Sayer.


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  1. Oh God, thanks very much for this article. I am starting my blog soon and please keep bringing up the tips. I am in love with you now

  2. I like this and thanks for reviving my blogging spirit. I have a blog already but it is almost dead. Reading this has given me another reason to start active work on my blog. You are God sent for

  3. Hmm, nice start Chris… Maybe you can give us all some traffic building tips, tell us what’s the big difference between backlinks and one-way links, and I read somewhere that “crawling” is good as a quick way to get indexed on search engines, but I can’t figure out what exactly crawling is or how to do it? Thanks for the post…

  4. Am indeed grateful for this piece.I didn’t know but now i know.I’m starting now but pls do not leave me behind.Thanks man.

    1. What is the link of your blog? I will like to have a look at it and advise you as to the next step… Thanks for commenting!

  5. I have been trying all along to be a blogger but i don’t know the procedure in activating it.Chris thanks for your humble advise and may God see your through till infinity.

  6. thanks a lot for this blog. would like to know if after using blogspot, it is possible to detach from it and have your own domain name ?