How Wednesday Repeats Itself For Me Each Week…Routine Breakfast At Costa Coffee!

3 min


I hate to repeat things in life and this is probably because I love the excitement new things always bring. This is one of the main reasons why I will find it difficult doing a job that is founded on repetition no matter how huge the reward would be.

For some months now, I have found a pattern in my way of life and it is the same for each Wednesday.  Do you have something that you do at an exact time or day of each week?

I wake up at around 8:30 (Alarm set to this time) each Wednesday and then catch up on bath, check my E-mails and run for the 9:19 bus to the Luton Law Centre where I will work from 10am to 4pm.

You may be wondering what happened to my car. I do not drive on Wednesdays. It is not that serious but the fact is, the Law Centre pays for my travel and it costs a lot to drive down there compare to getting on a bus which takes about 10mins.

I once drove down there when the weather was bad and parking for the whole day was £8. A single bus journey costs £1.50. By the end of this post, you will know why I do not buy return tickets but only one way tickets to town. So as a good person, I think it is great that I result to the cheap means of travel so that the Law Centre can save some money too…LOL

The 9:19am bus has never been late since I started taking it. I always manage to be at the bus stop by 9:15 and I meet certain regular faces all the time, waiting for the same bus. They must be doing the same thing each week too.

The bus gets to the town centre by 9:30 each Wednesday.  Straight from the bus, I head to Costa Coffee, which is a minute or two walk from where I get down.

At Costa Coffee, I always grab an orange and mango mix tropical juice and a biscuit. I go for their Ginger biscuit though I have once tried their short bread.

After I have made payment for my items, I go to sit at a particular spot. For some reason, the spot has always been free for me anytime I have been in there. And to make it a real repetition, I pay for my items with specific credit card-Barclays!

I sit at the Costa Coffee for about 20 minutes, enjoying my mini breakfast and catching up on developments in the world of entertainment from my Ipad. Occasionally, I would reply to important e-mails.

I never seem to finish the juice as I always have to rush out when I am getting comfortable. I get to Law Centre Law always at around 9:55 for a 10am start.

At 1pm each Wednesday, I take my lunch break from the Law Centre and the repetition continues. I always walk to a nearby Burger King which situated inside the shopping mall-Arndale.

For lunch, I always order a chicken wrap and a bottle of water. Do not forget I am trying to lose ‘some’ weight. LOL.

My lunch break is an hour long and since it takes me not more than 20 minutes to ‘munch off’ the poor chicken wrap,  I always have about 40 minutes to do some Editing of articles and send them back to the various writers for publication on GhanaCelebrities.Com and the other blogs I serve as an Editor.

From 2pm to 4pm, I am always at the Law Centre.  Exactly at 4pm, you will see me signing out and dashing out of the door.

Here comes the reason why I always buy single (one way journey) tickets in the mornings. I walk back home. Yeap, it is a great deal for me to walk.

It is a long walk which takes me approximately 45 minutes to complete.  I walk back home so as to exercise those joints and also burn off the poor Burger King chicken wrap. Remember I am on serious diet! LOL.

So you see; I manage to have interesting Wednesdays despite the repetition. Do you have days you repeat events in a chronological manner? How does it feel and what is it like?

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Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri, Esq
I am a Hedonist, Contrarian, Traveller, Lawyer, Atheist, Thinker, Writer, Minimalist & a Professional Truth Sayer.


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