When The Death of Someone Changes Or Affirms Your Perception Of Life

2 min


We’ve all gotten certain perceptions of life—how life is, ought to be or will be. These perceptions are determined or influenced by our surroundings, wants and individual convictions.

Over the last few years, I’ve greatly bought into the idea that life is an interesting journey full of bends but it is short—pretty shorter than most of us think.

My perception of life being short has shaped a lot, giving me the strength to go for the things that I really want and relegating procrastination to the background.  I have come to realize that, the only time I have is today and I must enjoy that moment like it is my last on earth—after all, tomorrow is not guaranteed.

In relation to the above, I’ve gotten off my slow butt and have decided to do most of the things that matter a lot to me, especially those that involve wonderful experiences which I can take to my grave.

I’ve always wanted to travel and spend good time with the people that are dear to my heart but I intended to do so when the financial dust settles. I also wanted to engage my mind in further studies but was waiting for the perfect time.

Eventually, I realized life is short and the longer I leave these things which are important to my happiness, the higher the probably of never getting them done becomes.

What is it that you so much want to do in life but keep pushing back—thinking you have all the life ahead, so you will one day get it done?

Earlier this week, a Ghanaian lecturer who taught me Equity & Trust and Tort Law at the Law School passed away and her sudden death has affirmed my perception that life is too short—therefore, we better start doing the things that are so important to us.

Her death came as a total shock to me.

Just last month, I E-mailed her about a postgraduate course—-International Human Rights. And quickly, she responded. Our communication ended on the note that, I will pass through the Law School anytime I am in East London to see her as it has been a long time.

She was more than a lecture to me, she was like a mentor and she supported me greatly to obtain the best grades I got during my studies. I answered several past examination questions for her to mark—and most times, her comments will be more than my answers. She was keen on helping me pass the course.

I dare miss her class and I will have no choice than to give account of my whereabouts. Whenever she asked a question and the class is silent, you will hear; Vincent let’s hear you…

I remember when she told me she was a Doctorate Candidate (part time) and insensitively, I told her it will take her 10 years to complete her doctorate as she was doing it part time.  She quickly replied by saying; you are too harsh Vincent, It does not take that long even if it is part time.

The reason I am writing this is to bring to your attention, that life is shorter than we think. And I hope my lecturer who was a ‘young’ woman with excellent brains managed to do most or some of the things that were dear to her heart.

I hope she was a happy woman before passing away, I hope she was able to see the places and people she wanted to see. I hope she lived in happiness and did not compromise her happiness for the future which was not guaranteed.

More importantly, I hope you begin to see life for what it is—so that you will engage yourself with the things that are dear to your heart NOW!

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Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri, Esq
I am a Hedonist, Contrarian, Traveller, Lawyer, Atheist, Thinker, Writer, Minimalist & a Professional Truth Sayer.


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  1. i guess it all has to start now. i have been pushing most important things to the future in the name of im not really sure what i want to do now. i guess i have to put it all into action now. thnx Vincent for this inspiration.

    1. Yeah, today is what we really have so all the action should start now…If we get tomorrow on top, then we are blessed. There is no sense in leaving the important things to tomorrow when you are not sure of tomorrow.

  2. I agree with you absolutely.life is too short to make excuses but at the same we must make good use of our limited time.

    1. Yeah, realizing that life is short is the first stage of things which gives you the strength to make the best out of the limited time as you said.

  3. Your story has really touched my heart. I was indeed very sad and shocked when my daughter told me this particular lecturer was dead. My daughter talked about this lecturer a lot with smiles and held her in high esteem. She said Mrs. C. O. helped all her students advising and encouraging them to take their education serious, cause to her (Mrs. C.O) education was the key to best life (success). By your words Vincent, I am going to engage myself with things that are dear to my heart. May her gentle soul rest in peace.

    1. Yeah, it is such a sad occurrence and even in our sorrow, I hope we learn to appreciate the time we have today and jump unto the things we so much want to do in life—because we never know when it will all end for us!

  4. I can really relate to this occurence. In the end it goes to prove that life is indeed too short to keep on procrastinating. Brilliant piece though. May her gentle soul R.I.P.