How to Survive the Hard Times

3 min


In the process of working on your dream you are going to incur disappointments, pain, failures and rejections.

There are moments that you will doubt yourself but don’t give up on your dream, the people who succeed in life are the ones who get up and keep going after life knocks them down. Here are 6 things you should do when life is playing a game with you.

Have Faith

You must have faith, knowing impossible is nothing. You have to believe in yourself when no one else believes in you, when all odds are against you. Motivate yourself and getting going. It only takes you to believe in yourself to make your dream a reality.

Be patient and work on your dream

You have to keep moving and do what you have to do through the pain, rejections and the disappointments. Don’t let the distractions distract you, just keep moving and working on your dream with an open mind and know that things will work out at the end. Things don’t always happen the way we want so you must be willing to fail and to succeed. If you fail, try again and again until you make it happen.

Surround yourself with a powerful team

If the people around you cannot help you grow and impact you positively, then it’s time to separate yourself from the pack. Get the losers and flakes out of your life and don’t discuss your plans with them or they will dump your dreams. Small minds don’t see things the way great minds see them.

Attract people who are hungry and want to succeed into your life. It is necessary to know that not everyone will join you or see the dream that you have. The people living their dream are finding winners to attach themselves to. You can’t be around mediocrity and expect to excel. Surround yourself with the best. Nobody gets smarter being surrounded by stupid people.

Know your Why

Do you know what drives you to do what you do? Why you are investing the time, energy and money into what you do and why you deserve what you want?

It is important in the area of motivating yourself to know why you are doing what you do or why you want to succeed at it. Life can knock you out any moment and you might want to give up, your why will give you the drive and ignite the courage in you to come back again and again. Your why will push you when you can’t push yourself, when you want to quit, your why will give you the edge to get to the next level.

Be Fear Less

There will never be a point in your life when it’s the right time to do a great thing. If you waiting for that perfect moment or that perfect timing it will never happen. You have to create that perfect time, the perfect opportunity and the perfect situation.

Go out there and make it happen. If you wait on your neighbour, mother, father or government to do it for you, it will never get done. They may be so ancient in their thinking that they won’t understand the opportunity that you have.

If  you are not where you want to be, if don’t have what you want to have, if you are not where you think you should to be, it has nothing to do with the system but has  everything to do with the fact that you are not making the necessary sacrifice.

If it was easy, everybody will do it. No business or endeavour magically appeared overnight. They get past brick wall after brick wall. Take risks and find ways to create your own opportunities… Those who aren’t afraid to go after what they want in life are the ones who turn out to be successful.

No one got to where they are without brick walls or stumbles along the way. You have a choice everyday, so single out what you are going to do with your life, what you will do with your money or who you going to spend your time with. Don’t avoid where the fight is, go to the fight and learn how to fight.

Never stop Growing and Learning

Greatness is a lot of small things done well, day after day. Do you think you know everything you can know? To be very good at what you do, you need to develop a technical mastery. Talent you have naturally. A skill is developed. No matter how talented you are, your talents will fail you if you are not skilled.

If you don’t study and dedicate yourself to work hard to be the best you can be. Skill is only developed by hours and hours working on your talent. There’s no easy way around it. You can better your best and go beyond anything that you’ve ever done.

You need feedbacks to better your best each and every day.

Final thoughts

It’s not your circumstances or the situation that will determine if you will be successful or not. It’s your mindset that will determine if you will be successful enough. It’s the way you see it and think it.

Always give your dreams a sense of urgency…

Submitted by: Amare Makafui

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