Free Blog Set Up



I have come across many people who are passionate about writing and wants to help others online with their writings but do not know how to set up a bog. Then there are the other set of people who want to make money online by blogging but their dream is being held back by the technical knowledge needed to set up a blog.

There are many tutorials out there on how to set up a blog but they are pretty useless if you do not understand technical terms like FTP and CPanel. It is even worse if you do not know how to set up a database.

Since wordpress is the most used blogging platform (That is what I use on all my sites), I have decided to FREELY set up wordpress blogs for anyone who is lucky enough to find this article and follow the simple steps below…

I am not only going to set up your blog for you for free, I will also equip it with some of the needed tools (plugin) to enable your blog function and rank well in search engines…

So I will not only install and set up a WordPress blog for you at no cost to you, I will also install for free the following plugins to get your blog running smooth.

  • All In One SEO
  • Google Sitemap
  • Wp Super Cache
  • Show Top Commentators
  • Stats
  • Akismet

You May Be Wondering What These Plugins Will Do For Your Blog

  • All In One SEO is the ultimate SEO plugin for WordPress and will help your blog rank higher in search engines such as Google.
  • Google Sitemap will help get your blog pages indexed quickly on Google.
  • Wp Super Cache will make your blog load a lot faster and handle more traffic. This plugin generates static html files from your dynamic WordPress blog. After a html file is generated your webserver will serve that file instead of processing the comparatively heavier and more expensive WordPress PHP scripts.
  • Show Top Commentators will let you know who is commenting most on your blog, it encourages readers to comment on your blog.
  • WP Stats will let you know who is visiting your blog. How many people are coming to your blog at any particular day or time. What articles or posts are they looking at most, etc.
  • Akismet is a spam protector which kills off the comment spam. It will make your blog spam free.

The above are some of the best WordPress plugins available. In fact, they are necessary to achieve any sort of success with a bog.

How To Get The Free Blog Set Up!

For me to set up your blog for free for you with all the necessary plugins as explained above, all you have to do is getting your hosting from BlueHost by CLICKING HERE

since you are going to sign up through me, I have decided to help you start your blog journey.


After you have made your hosting package purchase from BlueHost through me, just contact me with the details Bluehost will provide for your initial account set up and I will get things started for you.

After I have set up your blog for you, you can go ahead and change the passwords used so that only you will have exclusive right to it…

If you do not want me to set up your blog for you, you can still go ahead and enjoy the best and reliable web hosting serving provided by Bluehost by signing up with them.

What are you waiting for? Start blogging now! Remember if you have to pay a professional someone like me to set up a blog for you, it will cost you not less than 400 dollars…Make use of this opportunity!

About Bluehost

BlueHost is one of the top shared hosting companies for WordPress. BlueHost offers unlimited hosting, bandwidth and several other simple scripts to give excellent online experience to bloggers and webmasters.

BlueHost is famous for its quick and excellent customer support. If you want a blog that runs fast with little or no down time, then BlueHost is what you are looking for.

I have over 10 websites currently being hosted by BlueHost.

CLICK HERE to get your cheap but reliable web hosting package from the leaders in the business-BlueHost


Affiliate Disclosure: I am able to spend my time to set up a blog for anyone who purchases his or her hosting package from BLUEHOST through my affiliate link because I receive compensation from BLUEHOST for my referral—one of the reasons why I do not charge anything for the blog set up, normally, I charge 400 dollars for such a blog set up. 

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