If You Don’t Build Your Dreams, Someone Will Hire You To Build His…

2 min


The worst thing that can happen to anyone is to kill his or her own dreams but spend his entire life helping others build theirs.

You may be wondering why any reasonable person will forgo his own dreams and rather help others build theirs.

The fact is, no matter how absurd the above sounds, many of us are doing this. We are trapped in doing things we do not believe in. We have been easily bought as slaves to help the highest bidder build his dreams to the detriment of the dreams we had years ago.

Take a minute and ask yourself these questions;

What are your dreams?

What are you doing towards achieving these dreams?

As human beings, we are persuaded towards comfort. Our dislike for discomfort and adversity always aid us into going for the nearest options, even if we do not believe in these options.

The very moment you started looking for opportunities in life was the moment you gave preference to someone’s dream. This was the moment you decided to become a builder of another person’s dream.

Why am I saying this? Opportunities do not create themselves. They are created by people around their dreams. The creators of these opportunities which are centred on their dreams make them available for builders like you to see. You then grab these available opportunities and pursuit them.

At this stage, what do you think you are doing? You are merely helping the creator build his mansion of dreams.

You may see it as a perfect opportunity to build your own dreams. The fact is, it has merely been designed to confuse you into thinking the road will lead to your dreamland. No, it will lead to the dreamland of the creator. Why should someone create an opportunity that will take him to your dreamland rather than his?

Until you start creating opportunities which will mirror your own dreams and build on these opportunities to take you to your dreamland, you will be deceived into helping others build their dreams, visions and billion dollar empire.

The pathetic part of this is that, there is always going to be a ‘dim-witted’ lazy individual out there looking for opportunities. This person will continue to buy into opportunities created by others to help them build their dreams, thereby forgoing his own.

I just pray you do not become this person but rather the creator who gets help to build his dreams.

If You Want To Build Your Dreams & Need Help, Check Out The Resource Below

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Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri, Esq
I am a Hedonist, Contrarian, Traveller, Lawyer, Atheist, Thinker, Writer, Minimalist & a Professional Truth Sayer.


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