Why You Are a COVID-19 Hero Even If You Do Not Know

3 min


The world has changed, and not for the better. This year has been stagnant for those alive—and the hovering uncertainties are killing.

Globally, over 500,000 people have been killed by COVID-19 in less than 6 months. The human devastation caused by coronavirus is unimaginable and it lingers on.

Individually, we may feel that our plans have been put on paused and our incomes have disappeared or drastically reduced.

Victoria Secret

Despite suffering almost 80 per cent reduction in my businesses’ income since the pandemic took shape and locked down began, I’ve still managed to send several random people across social media little amounts I can afford—to help lessen their financial burden.

It’s bad for me and many others, but it is worst for others. Some people who inbox me do not even have anything to buy food with for themselves and children as they have lost their jobs. At least, I have some money to live on—just that I don’t have it like before to “chill” or invest without caring about my bank balance.

Anyone who runs a business has been hit, except if you are Amazon’s, Founder-Jeff Bezos. Those of us who hold shares in the airline industry wake up each day to see our investments on a free fall.

It’s bad but we are all alive—and our position is better than the over 500,000 people who are dead, making us survivors and heroes of this pandemic.

As stated, my businesses’ income has reduced by 80 per cent and I only make enough to keep the businesses going. I have never seen anything like this. All my friends who own businesses are facing the same predicament.

However, I find solace in the fact that at least we still have our businesses and we’ve not closed down–yet. Because several million-dollar businesses with enviable reputations have been forced into cutting down or into complete closure as a result of COVID-19.


Whenever you feel you are sinking financially because of COVID-19, remember these two things—first you are alive, and secondly, million dollar businesses such as those below are on their knees. Your case is not that bad.

  1. Victoria Secret UK, the luxury lingerie retailer has gone into administration putting more than 800 jobs at risk.
  2. TM Lewin—the retailer of shirts and ties went into pre-pack administration in June, according to the CRR. TM Lewin is to close all of its UK stores and around 600 workers will lose their jobs after the firm said it was going online-only in a bid to save the 120-year-old brand.
  3. Aldo–The UK arm of Canadian footwear chain Aldo went into administration in May. 5 out of its 13 stores have been permanently closed–while the administrators seek new owners for the UK business.
  4. Debenhams—the British fashion retailer which employs more than 20,000 people, entered administration on April 6 for the second time in the last year as it struggled to stay afloat—it is liquidating its business in Ireland, permanently closing its 11 stores there.
  5. Virgin Australia–One of Australia’s largest airlines co-founded by billionaire Richard Branson, in April entered into a voluntary administration after the Australian government denied the company’s pleas for a bailout.
  6. Zara-As a result of COVID-19, owner of Zara is closing up to 1,200 fashion stores around the world.
  7. Starbucks—Starbucks is closing about 400 stores because of COVID-19.
  8. The Airline Industry—The various airline operators are on their backs with British Airways set to lay off about 12,000 workers.
  9. Jamie Oliver–In May 2019, Jamie Oliver’s 22 restaurants shut for good. Across the chain, more than 1,000 jobs were lost and the Daily Mail reported that of the £80 million owed by the company will probably never be paid back to creditors.

And there is more.

So you see, even if the bank accounts of the whales are running dry—feel good to still have a job, a business and most importantly, LIFE, if you have lost the first two.

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Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri, Esq
I am a Hedonist, Contrarian, Traveller, Lawyer, Atheist, Thinker, Writer, Minimalist & a Professional Truth Sayer.


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