How To Live A Meaningful Life…

1 min



Most of us live as if there is no substance attached to our existence. We find peace, meaning and fulfilment in adulterated things like the latest fashion trends and latest electronics. Instead of being dependent on popular trends, why can’t we live with substance?

Life is short, beautiful and valuable. Embedded in the serenity of life is its own substance- the precious reasons we can find/allocate to our existence.

We spend most of our days chasing meaningless things as human beings, forgetting to look and find the substance hidden in life.

We are easily discouraged, tortured and defeated by the little things that do not go the way we intend, forgetting that the real substance of life goes beyond these things.

No matter what obstacles and disappointments we face, they will always be temporal and soon pass. This is why every moment of life presents us with new opportunity to self-actualization, fulfilment and finding the substance of our existence.

What is the real value and price you place on our life? Do those popular trends determine your existence, price and value?

Finding or attaching substance to your life can be really difficult in the midst of all the obstacles and disappointments. But what you can do this moment is far more important and a determining factor than the little distractions that hit your existence.

The starting point is to realize that life has a substance, a meaningful one for that matter. There is a real purpose to your existence and therefore, that should be the ultimate chase. We must begin to seek for true fulfilment, that which gives us lasting peace, happiness and endures with us forever.

Remember life has a meaning, a purpose and a substance. Live a meaningful life which is undiluted by the worries and the popular trends of today. Enjoy each moment as if there will not be another and above all, use each moment to work your way towards a meaningful life.

You are unique and so is your life. It is not as a result of randomness that you have life but it is embedded with a hidden purpose which you have to work and find.

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Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri, Esq
I am a Hedonist, Contrarian, Traveller, Lawyer, Atheist, Thinker, Writer, Minimalist & a Professional Truth Sayer.


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