5 Must Have WordPress Plugins For Your Blog, You Need It…

4 min


Though there are thousands of WordPress Plugins available online to be used on blogs, I personally will not advocate for stuffing your WordPress blog with unnecessary plugins.

Apart from the fact that they may slow the speed and performance of your site, most of them may need constant update and others have security flaws which will expose your blog to unbearable attacks.

However, there are certain plugins that you must have on your blog to get it working at its best. These are like your passport to board the plane, without them I know your site may still work but at its minimum level.

WP Super Cache

If you are a fan of Kung-fu movies, you would have heard the expression “in the world of Kung-fu, speed determines the winner or master” so many times. Actually, in the world of anything, speed is essential.

Your WordPress blog needs the speed to get your visitors surfing through your pages. The speed is necessary to help get you a good Google ranking. I zoom off from any blog that takes ages to load.

Why should I waste my time starring at a blank page waiting for several minutes to get it loaded?

WP Super Cache will bring the speed and loading power your blog needs to reality. It simply produces a static version of your blog and by virtue of that, it makes your site to load extremely faster and also requires less CPU processing.

The guys who developed the plugin are on a constant watch out to keep it up to date and improve on its efficiency. There are a lot of cache plugins out there but this one does the job best.  Download

All In One SEO Pack

Do I need to even mention to you that the success of your blog depends on its search engine’s optimization?

A lot of experts online will charge you huge bucks to work on your blog’s SEO, aiming at making it search engine friendly and making your blog to appear at first pages of certain keyword searches which most often never materialize.

SEO is a tricky business and people spend years trying it here and there without any success. The importance of SEO means there are several plugins out there aimed at achieving this for your blog with each targeting an aspect of the whole SEO process.

If you are not careful, you would end up installing several of these plugins as they all have different functions to play in SEO processing.

As the name suggest, All In One SEO Pack does the whole job for you. It is like putting all the various SEO plugins into a single unit.

You cannot miss this on your blog; it does all the work for you and does not require any coding or technical knowledge.   Download

Word Press Back Up

One thing very common and essential to WordPress is updates. At the time of writing this post, WordPress is running version 3.0.4 and it would soon move up along the line.

If nothing at all, the periodic updates means you need to back up your blog anytime you want to update your platform.

Also whenever you want to update a plugin, it is best to backup your blog should anything go wrong.

Moreover, anything can happen to your blog or server. It can get hacked or you can mistakenly delete a file or even as a result of regular maintenance by your host, you can get problems with certain files on your blog.

When the unfortunate happens? Where do you stand? Would you want to redesign or start a new blog? If that is your option, then you must be kidding me.

Grab WordPress Back up plugin now. It makes your work simpler and puts your mind at rest.

The plugin performs regular backups of your blog which includes your uploads, theme, plugins, etc.

Your Backup files can then be downloaded for storage or alternatively, you can have it emailed to a specified email.

You have the option to adjust the interval between backups and change the email address where the backup should be sent.

To assist you further on the issue of back up, you also grab WP DBManager for your Database backups. Download

Google XML Sitemaps

A lot of people get lost thinking this plugin works only with Google because of its name. Surely, Google is not the only search engine around and therefore you would want your blog to be well indexed in all the other search engines.

Contrary to the name, Google XML Sitemaps plugin works with other search engines like Bing, Yahoo, Ask.Com and Google itself. It generates special XML sitemap which makes it much easier for search engine crawlers or bots to see the complete structure of your site and efficiently index it.

Also, the plugin alerts or notifies all the major search engines of new post or content you have put on your site every time such is done, calling them in to quickly get it into the search engines for you.

Don’t you think you need this on your blog? Grab it now. Download

Smart Ads

Making money from your blog is really difficult contrary to what many successful internet marketers would tell you. In fact, sometimes I wonder if they are even telling the truth.

If you desire to make money from advertising networks especially Google Adsense, then you need and must have this plugin.

Smart Ads plugin does all the difficult work for you when it comes to ad placements. With this, you can automatically insert ads in your content (above and below).

The reason why I said this is a must have plugin is that, I have been trying several positions with my Google Adsense placement and I can tell you that, the two most effective places to place Adsense is above and below your content. It works like magic and if you get the colours right, then you would be even smiling more.

With Smart Ad, you can set word count minimum so that the ads would only show when the desire word count is met and you can also choose to place ads on post which are over certain number of days old.

If you do not like the auto insert option, you can disable that and manually insert ads as you write your post. Is this not fabulous? Get it.  Download

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Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri, Esq
I am a Hedonist, Contrarian, Traveller, Lawyer, Atheist, Thinker, Writer, Minimalist & a Professional Truth Sayer.


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    1. Hey, all you have to do is embed the adsense code in the smart ad plugin at the back end, it is very simple…If you still have probs, contact me and will take you thru a full tutorial…